Our Blog: ASK TASC

Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

When Your Voice Gets Schooled

As occupational voice users, teachers must protect their instrument from the abuse and misuse that often occurs due to the high demand on their voices while at work. While all teachers are at risk for having issues with their voice, female teachers are particularly susceptible. In this post, we walk you through some of the facts about vocal health and some great tips to protect your voice so it doesn’t get schooled.

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Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

Singing and the Speaking Voice

There are many myths about the effects of the speaking voice on the singing voice. Here is some of the most important information every singer should know, and how to spot the changes that might indicate the speaking voice is not functioning efficiently enough to support the singing voice.

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Jordan Scholl Jordan Scholl

10 Things You Never Knew a Speech Therapist Could Do

You may think you know the limits of what a speech therapist can do. But speech therapy is not reserved solely for children or disordered populations like stroke or accident survivors. Here are a list of just 10 (of the many) ways that a speech therapist can help non-disordered adults become stronger communicators.

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